Patient Instructions for Care of Your Reshaping Molds:

Always wash and dry your hands before handling your reshaping molds!

  • Oasis Multidose Rewetting Drops
    • Instill one drop in each eye prior to removal of molds, to help “float” the reshaping molds. 
    • Instill one drop to the inner surface of the reshaping mold before inserting your molds at bedtime.
  • Refine One Step and Unique pH Solutions 
    • After removal, apply a few drops of Unique pH solution and gently rub the mold in the palm of your hand with your forefinger for a few seconds, making sure to rub both the front and back surfaces.
    • Place the mold in the Refine One Step barrel-shaped cleaning case.  Be mindful to note the R for the right basket and the L for the left basket. DO NOT use a flat lens case.
    • Fill vial to the fill line with Refine One Step solution. Place the basket cleaning case into the solution vial and tighten the lid. Solution should completely cover the molds.
    • Bubbling will occur during disinfection, and the solution may bubble out of the top of the cleaning case. Keep the cleaning case upright and do not shake the case.
    • Soak molds for a minimum of six (6) hours in Refine One Step cleaning case for neutralization of hydrogen peroxide formula.  It is okay to soak them for longer than 6 hours but never less.  
    • Before inserting your molds at night, rinse them with Unique pH solution or with approved saline solution to ensure any residual peroxide is removed from the molds. Do NOT rinse them with Refine One Step.
  • Caring for your case
    • Rinse your case with warm water every evening. Leave your case open, with the top inverted, to air dry during the night while your molds are in your eyes.
    • Never reuse solution! Refill your case with new solution every morning after removing the molds.
    • Replace Refine One Step cleaning case every month. The effectiveness of the neutralization disc begins to decrease after about a month’s worth of uses. To remember easily, replace your case with every new bottle of Refine One Step.  A new case is supplied with each new bottle.
  • Important Reminders!
    • DO NOT rinse your reshaping molds with Refine One Step before insertion in the eye.
    • DO NOT put Refine One Step solution directly into the eye.
    • Because the Refine One Step cannot go directly into the eye, always keep saline solution or Unique pH on hand to rinse the mold, if necessary, e.g., after dropping a mold.  
    • Refine One Step is the ONLY care system that is approved by our doctors for Overnight Sight.
    • In some cases, the doctor will approve a substitute lubricating drop so discuss with your doctor if you have questions.
    • The suction cup molds remover should be replaced periodically (every 3-6 months). In order to keep it clean you can wash it with soap and water and allow to air dry, or you can put it in the Refine One Step vial with your molds about once per week (it is a bit tight, but it fits!).

For questions and information, contact Clinic coordinator, Kristen McGarvey, at